Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Toilet Parts and Sewage Pumps

I recently had to help a friend with a major repair in his basement. Unfortunately his waste-water system(better known as sewage) had pretty much failed him completely. His basement smelled awful and it was clear that there was a buildup of fecal matter all over his bathroom and basement flooring. Now this repair was a candidate for that Discovery Channel show, "Dirty Jobs". Now when it was time to handle the problem I do what I always do when I am dealing with odors of this nature, I grabbed my mask and went to work. Now just so you know I use a professional style mask. This isn't one of those "germ-protecting" masks like you see in hospitals or medical facilities. This mask looks more like the gas-masks you would see in the military. It does a very effective job at keeping odors at bay. So with my mask, coveralls, and elbow and knee pads I went to work. We realized that the source of this problem was an unbelievable mistake made by the "so-called" plumber who installed the basement plumbing. This idiot connected a sump pump where a sewage pump should have been used. Now without getting into too many details, I will just say that a sump pump is designed for water or liquids, while a sewage pump has mechanisms to handle more solid waste products. The reason why the bathroom had clogged was this moron had installed the wrong type of pump. Now of course the toilet hadn't been able to flush properly because of this and we had to pull it up from the floor and replace several toilet parts, like the wax ring that seals the toilet to the floor. Now all in all the job took us about 4 hours and my friend was extremely grateful for my help. Its always nice to help a friend and I'm glad he can start to use his basement again. Just let this be a lesson to anyone else out there, make sure you check out anyone coming into your home to do any kind of plumbing work. There are people out there passing themselves off as plumbers that don't know the first thing about plumbing so be careful!

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